The New 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) Twenty-First Century Paradigm: A Morally Perfected

Jehonathan Bentovish

1 Zefat Academic College, Zefat, Israel.

*Corresponding Author:Jehonathan Bentovish, 1 Zefat Academic College, Zefat, Israel. Tel: +972 1-800-344-544; Fax: +972 1-800-344-544; E-mail:

Citation: Jehonathan Bentovish (2022) The New 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) Twenty-First Century Paradigm: A Morally Perfected ("Geula") Directed New Physical Universe. Nano Technol & Nano Sci J 4: 129.

Received: December13, 2022; Accepted: December 20, 2022; Published: December 23, 2022. 

Copyright: © 2022: Jehonathan Bentovish. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Twenty-first Theoretical Physics is undergoing a profound "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm underlying both Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "G-d's Physics" ("Computational Unified Field Theory", CUFT) Paradigm; Based on the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm's discovery of a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec' the basic "Material-Causal" assumption underlying both Relativity's "Big-Bang" Model, "Einstein's Equations" and the purely hypothetical "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" concepts, and QM's assumed "collapse" of the subatomic target's "probability wave function" as "caused" by its direct physical interaction with another subatomic "probe" element are negated! Instead, the UCP's "Ten-Laws of Hierarchical Manifestation" are delineated, including: the "Dynamic-Equilibrium" Moral Principle, which selects one of multiple possible "future/s" for each Individual Human Consciousness based on its "Moral Choice/s"! Indeed, based on several of these Laws, including: the "Computational Invariance Principle" indicating the only "transient", "phenomenal" nature of the entire physical universe which exists only "during" each consecutive "Universal Frame" (UF) solely computed by the singular UCP, but "dissolves" back into the UCP "in-between" any two such consecutive UF's frames; and the UCP's "Good-Will" propensity and its "Reversed-Time Goals Hypothesis" 'G-d's Physics' New Paradigm points at the Ultimate Goal of this UCP, namely: striving towards a Physically, Morally and Spiritually "Perfected" State of the World named: "Geula", indicating a complete "Harmony", "Peace" and a recognition (and gratitude) towards this singular higher-ordered "Unity" and "Good-Will" UCP!  


The New Twenty-First Century 'G-d's Physics Paradigm

Twenty-first century Theoretical Physics has undergone a major "Paradigmatic-Shift" – i.e., from the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm underlying Relativity Theory (RT) & Quantum Mechanics (QM) towards the New 'G-d's Physics' ('Computational Unified Field Theory', CUFT) Paradigm which was shown capable of resolving the apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between RT & QM, and also offer an alternative satisfactory explanation for certain key Old 'Material-Causal' unexplained physical phenomena, including: the "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" (purely hypothetical) concepts whose empirical validation failed (thus far) but which is supposed to account for up to 95% of all of the mass and energy in the universe!? As analyzed by Thomas Kuhn in his famous Book "On the Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1962), Scientific investigation (and progress) within a given field shifts between phases of "Standard Science" in which the scientific inquiry within a given discipline is based on an acceptable "Standard Paradigm" possessing certain assumptions, laws and stipulations, followed by an inevitable "Paradigmatic-Shift" phase in which the Old 'Standard Paradigm' doesn't suffice (any longer) to explain certain key (new) phenomenon, in addition to which there usually arise particular "theoretical inconsistencies" within the very foundations of the Old 'Standard Paradigm'… Indeed, this was the case when Einstein came along (e.g., prior to his 1905 "Annus-Mirabelus" and the 1915 ultimate empirical validation of one of the "critical predictions" of his New "Relativity Theory" Paradigm); The two basic "pillars" of the Old 'Standard Paradigm' of "Newtonian Mechanics" and Maxwell's "Electromagnetic Theory" seemed "contradictory" of each other and a key assumption within Newtonian Mechanics associated with the existence of the "ether" concept (which was supposed to pervade the entire physical universe) could not be found empirically despite numerous attempts to do so!? This called for a "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Standard Newtonian-Maxwellian Paradigm to 20th century "Relativity Theory" and subsequently also Quantum Mechanics' Paradigm"…

Indeed, we've now reached an equivalent "pivotal-point" along the development of Science, wherein these two "pillars" of 20th century Theoretical Physics seem "contradictory" of each other, and the key empirical phenomenon of the accelerated expansion of the universe – cannot be account for by the purely hypothetical concepts of "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" which are supposed to account for up to 95% of all the mass and energy in the physical universe, but cannot be empirically detected!? Now, as then, the Newly discovered "G-d's Physics" (Computational Unified Field Theory, CUFT) Paradigm is able to resolve this apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between RT & QM, embed the key elements of both Models within a singular "Universal Computational Formula" (UCF), and offer an alternative theoretical account for the accelerated expansion of the physical universe – while "discarding" the purely hypothetical concepts of "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as "superfluous" (i.e., non-existent)!?

Universal Computational Formula (UCF)

As can be glanced from this transformative UCF, succinctly stated, this New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm is based on the discovery of a new singular, higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'(!), thereby producing a series of "Universal Frames" (UF's) depicting the entire universe (at every such minimal "time-point")! According to this New 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) Paradigm, the whole entire physical universe "dissolves" back into the singularity of this singular, higher-ordered UCP "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames… 
One of the key differences between this New 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) Paradigm and the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm is its insistence upon the "simultaneity" of the UCP's computation of each exhaustive spatial pixel, e.g., for each consecutive UF's frame/s, which negates the very possibility of the existence of any direct physical interaction/s between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels existing either in the same- or different- UF's frames! This is because, if indeed all exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the entire physical universe are simultaneously computed by the (singular, higher-ordered) UCP for each consecutive UF's frame/s then there cannot exist any such direct physical interactions taking place at any (single or multiple) UF's frame/s! Likewise, since according to his New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm the entire physical universe "dissolves" "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames, therefore there cannot also exist any such physical interactions, e.g., between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels existing across different UF's frame/s! Nor can there be any "transference" of any "material" entity or effect across any two consecutive UF's frame/s! This entirely new singular higher-ordered conception of the physical universe as being continuously computed, "dissolved", re-computed and evolved by the singular, higher-ordered UCP has led to the negation- and revision of some of the most basic 'Material-Causal' assumptions underlying both RT & QM: Thus, for instance, RT's assumed 'Big-Bang' nuclear explosion which supposedly "caused" the creation of all suns' galaxies, planets, 'mass' and 'energy' etc. in the universe was challenged and negated by this New 'G-d's Physics (CUFT) Paradigm, due to the principle impossibility of the existence of any such direct physical interaction/s between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels in the first, second, third etc. UF's frames, comprising the 'Big-Bang' Model!? Instead, the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm stipulates that for each consecutive UF's frame/s, the singular, higher-ordered UCP simultaneously computes the four basic physical features of 'space' and 'energy', 'mass' and 'time' for each exhaustive spatial pixel comprising the entire physical universe – thereby in effect stating that the origination- "dissolution"- re-creation- and evolution of each exhaustive spatial pixel comprising the entire physical universe is an ongoing, continuous process produced solely by the singular higher-ordered UCP! 

Likewise, the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm negated the basic 'Material-Causal' assumption underlying General Relativity's "Einstein's Equations", e.g., assuming that it is the direct physical interactions between certain "massive objects" and "Space-Time", which "causes" the "curvature" of this 'Space-Time', and conversely that it is this 'curved Space-time' which "causes" (or determines) the "travelling pathways" of these 'massive objects' (or other less massive objects); This basic Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm's assumption is being negated and rejected by 'G-d's Physics' New Paradigm's insistence upon the simultaneity of the UCP computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe (for each consecutive UF's frame/s) and the complete "dissolution" of the entire physical universe "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames! Therefore, there cannot exist any such direct physical interactions between any two (or more) exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the entire physical universe – hence negating the possibility of certain 'massive objects' "causing" the 'curvature of Space-Time', and conversely of such 'curved Space-Time' "causing" the particular 'travelling pathways' of these 'massive objects' (and other less massive objects)! As a matter of fact, the entire evolution of the physical universe – as originated by a (hypothetical) initial 'Big-Bang' nuclear explosion, subsequently evolved by Einstein's Equations – e.g., including the purely hypothetical "dark-matter" or "dark-energy" entities "causing" the empirically observe accelerated expansion of the universe etc. – is completely negated and rejected by the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm's insistence upon the continuous, simultaneous computation of the singular, higher-ordered UCP of each and every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe for each consecutive UF's frame/s, and the complete "dissolution" of all of these universe's exhaustive spatial pixels "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frame/s!

In much the same manner, the New 'G-d's Physics Paradigm was shown to negate the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm's assumption underlying Quantum Mechanics: According to QM 'Material-Causal' assumption, any given subatomic target possesses a "probability wave function" prior to its subatomic measurement brought about through its direct physical interaction with another corresponding subatomic 'probe' element – which then "causes" the "collapse" of this 'probability wave function's multifarious values into a singular (complimentary 'space-energy', 'mass-time') value. But, as we've already seen, since the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm postulates that the singular higher-ordered UCP simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the entire physical universe (e.g., for each consecutive UF's frame/s), therefore the New 'G-d's Physics' negates the very possibility of any such direct physical interaction between any two such subatomic 'probe' and 'target' elements (i.e., at any single or multiple UF's frames); Likewise, QM's basic assumption regarding the dual nature of any such subatomic 'target' element – which can exist either as a 'particle' or as a 'wave' has been considerably revised by the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm based on its discover of the singular higher-ordered UCP; This is because this single, higher-ordered UCP is postulated to simultaneously all "exhaustive" spatial pixels comprising any given consecutive UF's frame – including: all 'single spatial-temporal' "particle" values and 'multiple spatial-temporal' "wave" values, as embedded within the exhaustive computational framework of the consecutive UF's frames (comprising all exhaustive spatial pixels of the entire physical universe for each 'minimal time point')

'G-d's Physics' "Cinematic-Film Metaphor" & "Computational Invariance Principle" 

We therefore realize that the New 'G-d's Physics' portrays an entirely new "picture" of the whole physical universe – not as "originated" by an initial nuclear "Big-Bang" explosion, but rather as being continuously computed- "dissolved", re-computed and evolved- by the singular higher-ordered UCP's computation of each and every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe, e.g., for each consecutive UF's frame (at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'!) In fact, this New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm for 21st century Theoretical Physics revises in such a "dramatic" manner all of our previous Relativistic and Quantum Mechanical understanding of the physical universe, therefore in order to better understand how this New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm offers an alternative explanation for the Old Relativistic and Quantum Mechanical Models (comprising the Old 'Material-Causal' Paradigm), let's quote the previously explicated two key theoretical postulates of this New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm, namely: the "Cinematic Film Metaphor" and the "Computational Invariance Principle"; The 'Cinematic Film Metaphor' portrays the production of the physical universe through its metaphoric representation based on a standard 'Cinematic-Film' dynamics: in much the same manner in which the rapid presentation of a series of 'film-frames' gives us the "illusion" of a "real-life" scenario, the 'Cinematic-Film Metaphor' teaches us that it is possible for a similar scenario to exist wherein the singular higher-ordered UCP also computes a series of 'Universal Frames' (UF's) that give us the impression (or perception) of a "physical universe" scenario… In fact, this 'Cinematic-Film Metaphor' has been used to explicate the UCP's simultaneous computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels' – four basic physical features of 'space', 'energy', 'mass' and 'time', based on its two (out of three) Computational Dimensions, namely: 'Framework' and 'Consistency'; According to this 'Cinematic-Film Metaphor', in the same manner in which we could measure the "energy" value of say a "jet-plane" "zooming" through the (cinematic) film-screen, based on the computation of the "degree of displacement" of that 'jet-plane' object (relative to the entire screen-frame) across a series of film-frames, so it is suggested that the singular higher-ordered UCP computes the degree of "object-consistency" across a series of frames to determine each object's "energy" value! Indeed, according to 'G-d's Physics' New Paradigm, the four basic physical features which the UCP computes (simultaneously) for each exhaustive spatial pixel/s comprising the entire physical universe are based on the four possible combinations of its two 'Framework' (frame/object) and 'Consistency' ('consistent'/'inconsistent' Dimensions: Thus, 'energy' and 'space' value of (any given object) are computed by the UCP as the degree of that object's displacement relative to the entire "frame", such that "energy" is computed as a "frame-inconsistent" measure, whereas "space" is computed (by the UCP) as "frame-consistent" computational measure! Likewise, the UCP (simultaneously) computes the values of "time" and "mass" as the degree of "object" – "inconsistent" ("time") and "consistent" ("mass") computational measures. Interestingly, this 'Cinematic-Film Metaphor' possesses quite a few (striking) "similarities" (as well as a few distinct "differences") to the UCP's production of the physical universe: Thus, for instance, in the same manner in which all "past", "present" and "future" 'film-frames' are "stored" within the film's entire "dvd's reservoir" of pictures, so "G-d's Physics" (Computational Unified Field Theory) New Paradigm postulates that all "past", "present" and (multiple possible) "future/s" are "stored" within the UCP's "Multi-Spatial-Temporal Reservoir" of all of the universe's "past", "present" and (multiple possible) "future/s"! One "surprising" difference relates to the fact that unlike the 'standard film' in which all of the ("exhaustive") spatial pixels' "objects" comprising each film-frame are presented in the following consecutive UF – whereas due to the UCP's computational measure of the "mass" of any given (relativistic or quantum) object as the number of times that that particular 'object' is presented "identically" (consistently) across a given number of UF's frames! This implies that according to the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm, relatively "more massive" objects should be presented across a larger number of UF's frames than a relatively "less-massive" object! In fact, one of the unique "critical predictions" of the New 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) Paradigm precisely relates to this greater number of times that a relatively 'more massive' object would be presented, relative to a 'less massive' object across a given number of UF's frames!

Next, we turn to 'G-d's Physics' significant additional "Computational Invariance Principle" theoretical postulate, which asserts that only the "computationally-invariant" 'Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle' (UCP)" exists constantly and continuously – both "during" its sole (simultaneous) computation of each exhaustive spatial pixel's four basic physical features (of 'space', 'energy', 'mass' and 'time') in the universe (for each consecutive UF's frame/s), and also solely exists 'in-between' any two consecutive UF's frame/s in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames; whereas the entire physical universe (and all of its constituent exhaustive spatial pixels) exists only "computationally-variant", i.e., only "during" each consecutive UF's frame/s (as solely being computed by this singular, higher-ordered UCP), but "dissolves" back into the singularity of the UCP "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames! Therefore, asserts the 'Computational Invariance Principle' that only the 'computationally invariant' Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle (UCP) may be regarded as "real" or "constant", whereas the appearance of the entire physical universe (and every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising it) may only be regarded as "transient" and "phenomenal"! In fact, a closely related "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) theoretical postulate suggests that since the entire physical universe (and all of its constituting exhaustive spatial pixels) may only be regarded as a "phenomenal", "transient" manifestation of the singular higher-ordered UCR, and since only this singular Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle (UCP) exists "constantly" and "continuously" ("computationally-invariant"), therefore we must reach the inevitable conclusion wherein there exists only one singular "Universal Consciousness Reality" – which manifests ('transiently' and 'phenomenally') "during" each consecutive UF's frame/s, and exists solely "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frame/s (with the "phenomenal" universe "dissolving" back into the singularity of this "Universal Consciousness Reality" 'in-between' any two such consecutive UF's frames!)

We therefore see that the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm brings us to an entirely new conception and understanding of the origination- sustenance- "dissolution"- and re-computation and evolution of each and every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe; No longer can we regard the physical universe as being created by an initial "Big-Bang" nuclear explosion; nor can we consider the sustenance and evolution of the physical universe as being "caused" by any direct physical interactions between any (two or more) exhaustive spatial pixels – including through any direct physical interaction/s between certain 'massive-objects' and their (assumed) "curvature" of "Space-Time", or through the converse determination of these massive-objects' "travelling-pathways" by the "curvature of Space-Time", as evinced by Einstein's Equations; nor as evolved by the direct physical interaction between (purely hypothetical) "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" entities which are assumed to "expulse" the galaxies apart of each other – "causing" the accelerated expansion of the physical universe… Nor can we regard the subatomic realm as being enacted by the direct physical interactions between given subatomic "probe" and "target's probability wave function" – which "causes" the "collapse" of this "target's probability wave function" into a singular (complimentary) 'space-energy', 'mass-time' value!? Instead, the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm teaches us that the entire physical universe is being continuously "created", "dissolved", "re-created" and "evolved" at every minimal time-point at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'! by the singular higher-ordered 'Universal Computational/Consciousness Reality' – with the entire physical universe "dissolving" back into the singularity of the UCP 'in-between' any two consecutive UF's frames! Indeed, this entirely new conception of the physical universe as representing only a "transient", "phenomenal" manifestation of the singular "Universal Consciousness Reality" which exists uniformly both "during" its sole (simultaneous) computation of each exhaustive spatial pixel for each consecutive UF's frame/s, and also solely exists "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames – opens up an entirely new understanding (and various possibilities) for Twenty-first century Theoretical Physics!      

"Multiple Future/s", "Multiple Past/s" & the Moral 'Dynamic-Equilibrium' Principle!   

One of the key new understandings that arises from this New 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) Paradigm is that the entire physical universe – does not exist "independently" of its constant "origination" (e.g., "dissolution" and re-computation and evolution) by the singular higher-ordered Universal Computational/Consciousness Reality! In fact, as mentioned above, that each and every exhaustive spatial pixel comprising the entire physical universe – may only exist (and be regarded) as a mere "manifestation" of this singular higher-ordered "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR)! This is simply because the entire physical universe "dissolves" back into the singularity of the UCP (or UCR) "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames! Therefore, according to the New 'G-d's Physics (CUFT) Paradigm, the entire series of UF's – of all "past", "present" and multiple possible "future/s" exist in a "potential-form" within one of the UCP's "Ten Laws of Hierarchical Manifestation" (previously delineated) – namely: the "Supra-Spatial-Temporal Reservoir"! Indeed, according to this New 'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) Paradigm, all past- present- and (multiple possible) "future/s" already exist within the UCP's 'Supra-Spatial-Temporal Reservoir', based on another one of the UCP's "Ten Laws of Hierarchical Manifestation", namely: the "Dynamic-Equilibrium" Moral Principle! According to this 'Dynamic-Equilibrium' Moral Principle, the UCP intrinsic "Inseparability Principle" – wherein all Individual Human Consciousness constitute integral "inseparable" parts of this singular unitary UCP (or UCR), and as part of the UCP's "Good-Will" additional Law of Hierarchical Manifestation, this singular UCP (UCR) constantly strives towards a state of Complete Unity and Harmony; this means that whenever any given "Individual Human Consciousness" choses an "Immoral-Choice" (e.g., inflicting "pain" or "suffering" upon another "Individual Human Consciousness", then this automatically set in motion a "correction-process" conducted by the UCP to restore the initial "Unity" and "Harmony" of the UCP, e.g., by inflicting the same degree of "suffering" or "pain" unto that Individual Human Consciousness which inflicted the pain (or suffering) – so that it remorse for its "wrong-doing", and "realize" the Oneness of Humanity with the UCP! Therefore, the "Dynamic-Equilibrium" Moral Principal postulates that the UCP's (or UCR's) computation through its Ten Laws of Hierarchical – leading up to the manifestation of each and every "past", "present" and multiple possible "future/s" is set in such a manner as to "restore Moral balance", to "correct" and "rectify" any "Moral Imbalance" caused by any Moral/Immoral Choice done by any Individual Human Consciousness towards another Individual Human Consciousness!

Previously the "Trampoline Metaphor" has been utilized to illustrate the operation of this 'Dynamic-Equilibrium' Moral Principle: imagine a 'Trampoline' in which a 'Metal-Bar' in placed on its 'Membrane' so that it connects two particular points on this 'Membrane'; if one of these given points (representing a specific Individual Human Consciousness) "decided" to "inflict pain" unto the other 'Individual Human Consciousness point – by pushing this 'Metal-Bar' against that other point (Individual Human Consciousness), then we know that "automatically" that Metal Bar would "bounce back" and "inflict-pain" (to the same degree) unto that Individual Human Consciousness that decided to 'inflict pain' unto the other Individual Human Consciousness… This 'Trampoline Metaphor', therefore portrays the 'UCP's Moral Principle which postulates that at any given moment in time, the UCP has to compute for each of the almost eight Billion Individual Human Consciousness all of its "Moral Choices" throughout their entire life and calculate for each of the Individual Human Consciousness that it interacted with, what "Moral Balance/s" should be made to "rectify", "teach" and "harmonize" each Individual Human Consciousness – whether it be the "inflicting-pain/suffering" Individual Human Consciousness, or the "inflicted/suffering" Individual Human Consciousness!

Thus far, the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm postulated based on this 'Dynamic-Equilibrium' Moral Principle, that within the UCP's 'Multi Spatial-Temporal Reservoir' there exists all of the 'past', 'present' and multiple possible "future/s" UF's frames, and that the Moral Choice of each Individual Human Consciousness determines the UCP's Moral-Balancing' selection of one of multiple possible "future/s", in order to "teach" that Individual Human Consciousness whatever "pain"/"suffering" that it inflicted upon another Individual Human Consciousness (It should be noted that the UCP's 'Dynamic-Equilibrium' Moral Principle also postulates that also for every good "Moral Choice" of any given Individual Human Consciousness towards any other particular Individual Human Consciousness, the UCP computes and creates an equivalent situation which would allow these two Individual Human Consciousness to experience the same degree of good Moral Choice that the Individual Human Consciousness that initiated the good Moral Choice upon the other Individual Human Consciousness would also have to receive such an equivalent good Moral Choice from the other Individual Human Consciousness that received the "present" or "good/joyful" Moral action!) It is also worthwhile to note that when we consider the Infinite "Intelligence" (and "Goodness") of this singular higher-ordered UCP, which has to consider and compute – for each Individual Human Consciousness (on the planet) all of its past "Moral/Immoral Actions" directed towards particular Individual Consciousness, and select one of multiple possible "futures" for each consecutive UF's frame/s that would satisfy the precise "lesson"/"remuneration" for each of the almost eight Billion Individual Human Consciousness ("paired" with each specific Individual Human Consciousness that either received or delivered to that Individual Human Consciousness "Moral/Immoral Action/s"), this is clearly represents and "unfathomable" Infinite Intelligent/Good UCP (UCR), which also inevitably leads us to a great sense of "awe", "wonder" (and "gratitude")! A new discovery made at this point – is that it may not only be the case that the UCP's "Multi Spatial-Temporal Reservoir" contains only multiple possible "future/s", but also multiple possible "past/s", also entirely depending upon the "Moral Choice" made by each Individual Human Consciousness at any given moment in time – and particularly upon its "remorse" for its past "wrong-doing", asking "forgiveness" for its Immoral act, and a "rectifying moral decision", i.e., not to repeat any such "wrong-doing", what's termed in the Jewish Faith as "Teshuva"! Indeed, since the UCP's intrinsic characteristic (comprising one of its Ten Laws of Hierarchical Manifestation) is its "Good-Will" to bestow Life, Harmony Peace and "Goodness" and its associated "Dynamic-Equilibrium" Moral Principle are all directed towards increasing the "awareness" and "goodness" of all Individual Human Consciousness, therefore it follows that in cases in which any given Individual Human Consciousness makes a Moral Choice of "Teshuva" (i.e., remorse for any 'wrongdoing', asking for forgiveness, and a "good moral decision" not to repeat any such Immoral Choice/s), then this rectifies the UCP's selection – not only of one "good" future (out of multiple possible future/s), but also rectifies that Individual Human Consciousness' related past! This is because for that Individual Human Consciousness' related Moral-Choice/s which are rectified by the new "Teshuva" (remorse, forgiveness and good moral decision not to repeat that particular "wrong-doing") – this "Teshuva" "corrects" and "alters" all those past "immoral action/s" that were related to the particular issue for which that Individual Human Consciousness made "Teshuva"!

In other words, according to the new discovery made in this paper and alongside "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm understanding of the UCP's selection of one of multiple possible "future/s" based on the "Moral/Immoral Choice" of each "Individual Human Consciousness" and the Dynamic Equilibrium Moral Principle, we realize that (in reality) the UCP's higher-ordered 'Supra Spatial-Temporal Reservoir' contains multiple potential "past/s" and multiple potential "future/s" – based upon the "present" selection of each Individual Human Consciousness' Moral Choice at this present "moment"! Strikingly, this is reminiscent of the Jewish famous Maimonides (Doctor, Philosopher and Saint) declaration that for each moment in time a Human Being is supposed to envision the whole world- as found in a "delicate" 'Dynamic-Equilibrium' state – in which one good (moral) action by this Individual Human Consciousness would "tilt" the "scale" of the world towards a "good outcome" or (G-d forbid) towards a "negative outcome"… It is also in line with the Jewish Chassidic recognition that whatever is done by a Human Being effect not only this physical world, but also certain higher realms (e.g., such as the UCP's "Ten Laws of Manifestation".             

The UCP's "Reversed-Time Goal Hypothesis": A Morally Perfected "Geula" State!

We therefore reach the culmination point of this New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm for 21st century Theoretical Physics: we realize that there only exists one singular higher-ordered UCP (or UCR) which continuously creates- "dissolves"- re-creates and evolves every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe, and that the existence of the entire physical universe may only be regarded as a mere "transient", "phenomenal" "manifestation" of the singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) or "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR)! We acknowledge (and realize) that there cannot exist any real "cause" and "effect" direct physical interactions between any (two or more) exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe, since the UCP simultaneously computes all such exhaustive spatial pixels (existing in any single or multiple UF's frames), and that "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames the entire physical universe "dissolves" back into the singularity of the UCP! Moreover, with 'G-d's Physics' discovery of the UCP's 'Ten Laws of Hierarchical Manifestation', e.g., including the central "Dynamic-Equilibrium" Moral Principle, we realize that (in truth) all "multiple possible past/s", present and "multiple possible future/s" – are determined and computed by the UCP based on each Individual Human Consciousness "Moral-Choice/s" at any given moment in time!

We have to place this new remarkable realization and understanding – within the "wider scope" of 'G-d's Physics' New Paradigm: that is, within 'G-d's Physics' discovery of the "Reversed-Time Goal Hypothesis", which essentially talks about the UCP's striving towards- and computing all (multiple possible) "past/s"- present and (multiple possible) "future/s" from the standpoint of its Ultimate Goal of a Physically, Morally and Spiritually "Perfected" World, called: "Geula" (in the Jewish-Chassidic) Tradition; the key notion is that the UCP's whole creation and "evolution" of the entire physical universe is geared towards- and is being continuously computed based on- the "Ultimate Goal" of "Geula"! Thus, it was previously shown in what manner the entire creation of the whole physical universe was not created by an "accidental" Big-Bang nuclear explosion, but rather has been precisely evolved by the UCP to allow the development and evolution of ever more "refined" and "conscious" forms of "inanimate" matter leading through the appearance of "animate" forms: plants, animals and Human-Beings – leading up to the "expanded" form of Human Consciousness (discussed previously, in which the Individual Human Consciousness identifies itself completely with the Universal Consciousness Reality) and collectively towards the Sate of "Geula": a Physically, Morally and Spiritually Perfected World!

This New 'G-d's Physics' theoretical understanding of the entire physical universe – in terms of its "pre-planned" and "directed" evolution by the singular higher-ordered Universal Consciousness Reality from its envisioned Ultimate "Geula" State towards all (multiple possible) "past/s", "present" and (multiple possible) "future/s" - provides Twenty-first century Theoretical Physics, and Science (and Humanity), more generally with an exciting new opening towards an entirely new ("uplifting") Existence and Prospects: no longer does Science regard the origination and development of the entire physical universe as occurring "by-chance", e.g., as "caused" by an initial random Big-Bang "nuclear explosion", and as "gravitating" towards an inevitable "dissipation" and "extinction" of all Life, galaxies, suns etc (based on the "Second Law of Thermodynamics")… No longer does the evolution of the various forms of Life on our planet are likewise considered as "caused" by Darwin's "chance-mutations" and "Natural Selection Principle" (as delineated in a previous article): Instead, the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm is shown to unify all forces, all phenomena, all of the various aspects of the physical universe – based on the discovery of the singular higher-ordered "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) which simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe through its incredible rapid ("c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'!) series of UF's frames; and the surprising and exciting new discovery realized by this New 'G-d's Physics Paradigm is that this singular UCR – which exists both "during" its simultaneous computation of each exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe comprising the rapid series of consecutive UF's frames, and also solely exists without the presence of any physical universe, evolves the entire physical universe – towards one Ultimate Goal of "Geula": A Physically, Morally and Spiritually "Perfected" State of the World! Therefore, this singular higher-ordered UCR has evolved the physical form of the universe to sustain Life on this planet and to evolve from inanimate "matter" to animate: plants, animals and Human-Beings; to evolve Humanity towards a more refined Moral and Spiritual State of "Geula", in which there will be a complete "awareness", "recognition" and "gratitude" towards the existence of this singular higher-ordered UCR, possessing the ('Ten Law of Hierarchical Manifestation') characteristics of "Good-Will", "Free-Will", the "Dynamic Equilibrium" Moral Principle etc… To bring Science (and Humanity more generally) towards a basic recognition of the "Oneness" and "Inseparability" of every exhaustive spatial pixel with this singular higher-ordered UCR – and therefore (even to a much greater degree) the Moral realization (based on an understanding of the UCP's Dynamic-Equilibrium' Moral Principle) that all Human-Beings are "inseparable" and in fact comprise "integral parts" of this singular higher-ordered UCR, and therefore that we must make good "Moral Choices" towards each other (as this also "selects" a particular single "good/positive" future out of multiple possible future/s for each one of us)! This would lead Science and Humanity towards the "Perfected" State of "Geula" in which this basic knowledge of the "Oneness of all Creation" – as originated and constantly sustained by the singular higher-ordered UCR, would prevail in the World, there would be no "wars" or "Immoral behavior", Peace, Harmony, and a deep sense of appreciation and Gratitude towards this singular "Good-Will" UCR would prevail! This "Perfected Geula" State of the World (e.g., whose initiation may be advanced by this New 'G-d's Physics Paradigm for 21st century Science) perfectly conforms with many of the Jewish Prophet’s vision and of Maimonides' proclamation that "at that time, the whole World would be occupied with the 'higher knowledge' of that Singular Higher (UCR) Reality: 'G-d'! 


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