Creating a Sustainable Clean Green Planet (SGP)

Joy Manglani 1*

1 Nature Lover, Environment Scientist, Chemical Engineer, B. Tech, IIT Delhi, India.

*Corresponding Author: Joy Manglani, Nature Lover, Env ironment Scientist, Chemical Engineer, B. Tech, IIT Delhi, India, Tel: (+91)98694 02067; Fax: (+91)98694 02067; E-mail:

Citation: Joy Manglani (2023) Creating a Sustainable Clean Green Planet (SGP). Arch Mol Med & Gen 3: 117.

Received: March 29, 2023; Accepted: April 17, 2023; Published: April 21, 2023.

Copyright: © 2023 Joy Manglani, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Creating a Sustainable Clean Green Planet (SGP) by generating Solar Bio-Energy using wastewater and waste and storing it in the form of oxygen rich healthy vegetation, soil, bio-mineral fertilizer, water, oxygen and life, is a new, tried tested invention and goal of the author.
Problem: Wastewater and waste are grave problems today - Includes, Sewage, Food waste, Building waste. Our current sanitation methods e. g. Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) decompose valuable organics in waste and wastewater to GHGs, foul effluents and gases, acids and sludge that degrade air, land and water. They also breed pathogens, mosquitoes and pests. They are unsafe for workers, require skilled staff and immense electricity. They lead to major problems such as air and water pollution, water scarcity, loss of soil fertility, global warming, climate change, poor economy, poor health and loss of life.
Solution: SGP solves these problems. In SGP, solid and liquid waste, both organic and inorganic including excreta, food, several chemicals, sewage, industrial wastewater, raw water, stormwater and polluted water bodies are completely recomposed not decomposed in highly aerobic conditions, using stabilization, photosynthesis, gravity and bio-filtration in a bioreactor with a media of inorganic waste. There are no leftovers. SGP functions even in the absence of sunlight. It can function wherever terrestrial plants can grow, which is observed even in snow.
Competition & Value Differentiation: The SGP effluent quality is far superior to STPs. SGP units can be made on a family scale to a large municipal or industrial scale. SGP requires only about 25% land, 1% electricity, 40% capital and 15% O&M cost compared to STPs. SGP generates highly useful eco-friendly products and benefits. SGP can thus, efficiently help create a Sustainable Clean Green Healthy Planet. Being new, SGP needs awareness.
Promoters Background: Joy Manglani, Nature Lover, Environment Scientist, Chemical Engineer, B. Tech, IIT Delhi, President, Only Nature Endures (ONE), NGO.
SGP Benefits and Products: The construction and O&M of SGP at any scale is safe, simple and economical. Everything can be done using simple human skills thus opening more jobs for the masses and improving equity in society. SGP is a stable and sustainable system which can last forever with said simple care like good soil with vegetation and water that lasts forever in nature. The products are oxygen rich healthy vegetation, soil, bio-mineral fertilizer, water, oxygen and life. These are excellent for the ecosystem including plants, animals and humans. Being oxygen rich water, it is an excellent liquid fertilizer and the best use of it because at least 70% of the freshwater is consumed in agriculture. Moreover, the use of fertilizers pollutes the soil and subsoil water. Other preferable uses include; afforestation, biodiversity, aquaculture and recycling into polluted water bodies comprising natural streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and sea to dilute their pollution content. Other uses include washing, cleaning, industrial usage, hydroelectricity generation, fire-fighting etc. The SGP effluent quality is far superior to STPs. E.g., in SGP effluent the dissolved oxygen (DO) is about 6 ppm where healthy aquatic life can thrive. In STP effluent the DO is low to 0 ppm wherein all life dies. This pollutes other water bodies and also converts them to dead water. SGP eliminates emission of GHGs, foul gases, acids and sludge that degrade air, land and water. They do not breed pathogens, mosquitoes and pests.
The clean, green and healthy environment created maintains optimum air quality, humidity, rainfall and temperature. This further helps in growth of more vegetation. The plants produced in the unit are excellent for animal nutrition. The vegetation grown using the treated water is excellent for the planet and human nutrition. As mentioned, the vegetation produced by excreta of 1 person is equivalent to food for at least 4 persons! Vegetation fixes atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen to the soil. This reduces Global warming and Climate change which is encouraged by the Kyoto protocol (UN Agreements). This stabilizes the planet and averts natural hazards. SGP enhances air, water and soil quality and thus it enhances quality of life on earth.


Creating a Sustainable Clean Green Planet (SGP) by generating Solar Bio-Energy using wastewater and waste and storing it in the form of oxygen rich healthy vegetation, soil, bio-mineral fertilizer, water, oxygen and life, is a new, tried tested invention and goal of the author. Excreta are wonderful natural products. One person’s excreta, if properly used, as in SGP, can help Our current sanitation methods e.g., Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) decompose valuable organics in waste and wastewater to GHGs, foul effluents and gases, acids and sludge that degrade air, land and water. They also breed pathogens, mosquitoes and pests. They are unsafe for workers, require skilled staff and immense electricity. They lead to major problems such as air and water pollution, water scarcity, loss of soil fertility, global warming, climate change, poor economy, poor health and loss of life. produce food of at least 4 persons! Implying there will be no food shortage. Moreover, the surplus can help to make us self-reliant and the planet greener. The solar energy conversion and storage efficiency is about 100% in plants versus about 20% conversion efficiency and 0% storage efficiency in solar cells. Waste is unused material or energy. Wastewater and waste are grave problems today, even though they are very useful. Sewage is 99% clean flush water and 1% valuable nutrients (organic and inorganics) including about 40% healthy bacteria that make up the entire living ecosystem.  Our current sanitation methods e.g. Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) decompose valuable organics in waste and wastewater to GHGs, foul effluents and gases, acids and sludge that degrade air, land and water. They also breed pathogens, mosquitoes and pests. They are unsafe for workers, require skilled staff and immense electricity. They lead to major problems such as air and water pollution, water scarcity, loss of soil fertility, global warming, climate change, poor economy, poor health and loss of life.  SGP solves these problems. In SGP, solid and liquid waste, both organic and inorganic including excreta, food, several chemicals, sewage, industrial wastewater, raw water, stormwater and polluted water bodies are completely recomposed not decomposed in highly aerobic conditions, using stabilization, photosynthesis, gravity and bio-filtrationin a bioreactor with a media of inorganic waste. There are no leftovers. SGP functions even in the absence of sunlight. It can function wherever terrestrial plants can grow, which is observed even in snow. SGP has been operated successfully at a large lab and 200-people field scale. The SGP effluent quality is far superior to STPs. SGP units can be made on a family scale to a large municipal or industrial scale. SGPrequires only about 25% land, 1% electricity, 40% capital and 15% O&M cost compared to STPs. SGP can thus, efficiently help create a Sustainable Clean Green Healthy Planet. Being new, SGP needs awareness.
Figure 1: Collection and Seeding Tank (CST).

Figure 2: Solar Bioreactor (SBR) & Clean Water Tank (CWT) seen behind.

Figure 3& 4:Odourless, itch free and mosquito free clean water from CWT being sprayed using hands.

SGP Process with Stage Wise Brief Details

SGP uses sophisticated physical, chemical and biological processes. It comprises a non-corrosive Sieve Cage (SC) on a pump, dipped in the source of sewage e.g. a tank/drain/water body, to sieve out plastic and solids, a sewage Collection and Seeding Tank (CST) (Figure 1), for removing odour, churning and pumping out the Pre-treated sewage (PS), to the Solar Bio-Reactor (SBR) (Figure 2) for further treatment using photosynthesis and biofiltration in highly aerobic conditions to produce oxygen rich healthy vegetation, soil, bio-mineral fertilizer, life, oxygen and water which seeps down and flows into a Clean Water Tank (CWT) (seen behind in Figure 2). CWT collects the treated clean water and pumps it for usage (Figure 3 & 4) and about 10% to CST as a catalyst (Figure 1). Pumps are corrosion free and operate automatically using level control switches. There are no other moving partstherefore no breakdowns occur as in STPs. SGP operation uses nature’s efficiency, thus only 1% energy consumption vs STPs.

SGP Benefits and Products

The construction and O&M of SGP at any scale is safe, simple and economical. Everything can be done using simple human skills thus opening more jobs for the masses and improving equity in society. SGP is a stable and sustainable system which can last forever with said simple care like good soil with vegetation and water that lasts forever in nature. The products are oxygen rich healthy vegetation, soil, bio-mineral fertilizer, water, oxygen, and life. These are excellent for the ecosystem including plants, animals and humans. Being oxygen rich water, it is an excellent liquid fertilizer and the best use of it because at least 70% of the freshwater is consumed in agriculture. Moreover, the use of fertilizers pollutes the soil and subsoil water. Other preferable uses include afforestation, biodiversity, aquaculture and recycling into polluted water bodies comprising natural streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and sea to dilute their pollution content. Other uses include washing, cleaning, industrial usage, hydroelectricity generation, fire-fighting etc. The SGP effluent quality is far superior to STPs. E.g., in SGP effluent the dissolved oxygen (DO) is about 6 ppm where healthy aquatic life can thrive. In STP effluent the DO is low to 0 ppm wherein all life dies. This pollutes other water bodies and also converts them to dead water. SGP eliminates emission of GHGs, foul gases, acids and sludge that degrade air, land and water. They do not breed pathogens, mosquitoes and pests. 
The clean, green and healthy environment created maintains optimum air quality, humidity, rainfall and temperature. This further helps in growth of more vegetation. The plants produced in the unit are excellent for animal nutrition. The vegetation grown using the treated water is excellent for the planet and human nutrition. As mentioned, the vegetation produced by excreta of 1 person is equivalent to food for at least 4 persons! Vegetation fixes atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogento the soil. This reduces Global warming and Climate change which is encouraged by the Kyoto protocol (UN Agreements). This stabilizes the planet and averts natural hazards. SGP enhances air, water and soil quality and thus it enhances quality of life on earth. The submissions are based on author’s experiments & knowledge and supported by citings in his SGP Paper available on;



SGP is sustainable because it is safe, efficient, ecological, economical, and equitable. It improves self-dependence. It improves plant, animal and human health. SGP can foster a sustainable clean green healthy planet if we all synergise our interests and strengths to adopt and promote it. 

Comparison of Sgp, Septic Tank, Reed Bed and Stp

(Details are provided below in Tables 1 and 2) A Septic Tank system (ST) is mainly anaerobic and therefore hazardous. It needs a larger area with two chambers in a tank and a drainfield. Its construction cost is high.  Valuable organics and all the water are wasted while polluting the air, water and land. The disposal of the wastewater/sludge poses a health risk to the users and the community. STs are used by households with no sewage drain system leading to an STP so SGPs can replace STs. Reed Bed is primarily an aquatic plant-based system for only tertiary treatment. Water has dissolved oxygen limit of only 5 parts per million (ppm)-0.0005%. SGP is a terrestrial plant-based system, open to air with abundant supply of oxygen (21% in air). For treatment, oxygen is a prime element. Reed bed thus requires huge area compared to SGP to provide sufficient oxygen. Implies 21/0.0005=42000 times more area required by Reed Bed.
Table 1: Land, Energy and Cost Comparison of STPs andPs. 

SR No.

Wastewater Treatment Processes (STPs)

Land Area,


1 Hectare = 10,000 m2

Energy Requirement


Capital Cost,

EURO / $ Million / MLD

1 MLD = 1 million liters per day

O&M Cost (excluding energy) EURO /$ million/year/MLD


Conventional sewage treatment plant (STP) - sum of all the steps.



EURO 0.344 / $ 0.4 /Million/MLD

Estimates are on the lower side

EURO 0.36 / $ 0.41 million/MLD/year =

EURO 0.1/m3 / $0.12/m3 Estimates are on the lower side


Generation of Solar Bio-Energy using Wastewater (SGP)


EURO 0.13 / $0.15

EURO 0.026/ $ 0.03 million/MLD/year =

EURO 0.017 /m3 / $ 0.02/m3


26% Land Area

1% Energy Requirement

40% Capital Cost

17% O&M Cost

Table 2: Brief Qualitative Comparison of STPs and SGPs.

Conventional sewage treatment plants (STPs)

Have mainly 9 steps 


Disadvantages:Neither cost-effective nor eco-friendly. They decompose (break-up) valuable organics, found in the waste and wastewater, into foul gases, aerosols acids and sludge that gravely degrade the air, land, and water during and post treatment. They are unsafe for workers, need skilled manpower and immense electricity. They release hazardous effluents post treatment. Thus, they lead to major problems such as water pollution, water scarcity, loss of soil fertility, global warming, climate change, poor economy, poor health and loss of life.


Municipal or community STPs

Creating a Sustainable Clean GreenPlanet (SGP)

It has 3 steps 

Disadvantages:It’s new and unknown. 

Advantages: In SGP, storable bio-energy is produced aerobically using photosynthesis and biofiltration wherein the capital cost and conversion cost are minimal. The photon-to-charge conversion efficiency is very high and is almost 100%. The construction and O&M are simple and economical. It’s a stable and durable system.There is no pollution, odour or mosquito breeding. It improves ecology, economy, health of plants, animals, humans and human equity. The green and healthy environment created results in better air, optimum humidity, higher rainfall and helps in growth of more vegetation. SGP reduces emission of polluting gases including GHGs – carbon oxides and methane; also eliminates the release of foul-smelling hazardous gases - ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Atmospheric carbon dioxideis absorbed and stored in the soil carbon pool by growing vegetation. This stabilizes the planet and averts natural hazards.  

Municipal /community /industrial /hospital 


Biography / CV

Joy Manglani, President, Only Nature Endures (ONE), NGO.  B. Tech, Chemical, IIT Delhi.

  • Joy Manglani is a Nature lover, Chemical Engineer, Independent Environmental Scientist & Inventor. 
  • He holds the prestigious B. Tech. degree from the premier institution, IIT Delhi, in Chemical Engineering. 
  • He has successfully invented and promoted Sustainable Technologies for joyful life and healthy environment in the fields of Water and Sanitation, Eco-friendly Handcrafted Textiles and Clothing, Organic Farming, Eco-friendly Fibre Cement, Business revival, Thermal Engineering, Building awareness and justice in these fields. 
  • He has been an honorary Advisor to Government of India for Occupational Health and Safety in Factories and to Government of Maharashtra (India) for Water and Sanitation Technologies.
  • One of his primary goals is to help create a Sustainable Green Planet.