“Structures of Knowledge, Organ Centered Consciousness”, The Scientific Laws of Qi and The Five Elements

Evan Mahoney1*

1Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Acupuncture clinic private practice, Cape Coral, FL USA.

*Corresponding Author: Evan Mahoney,Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Acupuncture clinic private practice, Cape Coral, FL USA, Tel: 941-875-6630; Fax: 941-875-6630; E-mail: evanmahoney40@gmail.com

 Citation: Evan Mahoney (2020) “Structures of Knowledge, Organ Centered Consciousness”, The Scientific Laws of Qi and The Five Elements. Medcina Intern 4: 144.

Copyright: © 2020 Evan Mahoney, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: January 10, 2020; Accepted: January 20, 2020; Published: January 23, 2020.


A consideration of consciousness integrated with the theories and principles of acupuncture and oriental medicine within Saam Medical Meditation and the Saam Acupuncture technique. Conscious and Unconscious western models of Freud, Jung, and Sarno according to the Shaoyin / Shaoyang Constitutional models. The Interpretation of Dreams and the Five Element classification of human needs and organs represented in dreams. A declaration of the Scientific Laws of Qi and the Five Elements, to catalyze change in social consciousness, acknowledging the experiences of Qi in the principles of taichi / qigong exercise, acupuncture, and meditation.

It is stunning to consider the possibility of a new type of consciousness. It can be equally stunning to consider Qi and the Five Elements not yet accorded scientific acceptance and social recognition. Qi and the Five Elements comprise two of the three trinity theories in acupuncture and oriental medicine [1]. The third being of course, Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang can be regarded as a Scientific Law unto itself. Obvious and easy to consider.

Has the social and scientific imaginations been sparked, as Freud with the unconscious or Newton with gravity? Do we as humanity feel complete in our understanding of consciousness through Freud or Jung and their derivatives? I dare so “no”, they lack a comprehensive understanding of consciousness. Dr. John Sarno completes Freud and is generous and complimentary [2] in introducing us to our unconsciousness. Freud and Jung were pioneers making useful discoveries, but they go with pretentions of knowledge into the ether of nothing [3]. Recognize them for their formulation of the unconscious/ consciousness, id, ego, superego, archetypes, and studies of schizophrenia, but not much more beyond this.

The Five Elements can be considered as archetypes. Jung deserves no more acknowledgement. Sigmund Freud can be credited with introduction into unconsciousness and attempted interpretation of dreams. I think he is correct in his signature quote “What is common in all these dreams is obvious. They completely satisfy wishes excited during the day which remain unrealized. They are simply and undisguisedly realizations of wishes” [4]. We can make comparisons of Freud’s sexual progenation with that of the Kidneys and the second level of Human Needs which they represent, the need for sexual relationships.

The Interpretation of Dreams according to Saam Medical Meditation and acupuncture is a Freudian needs based model. The Three Levels of Human Needs are a Five Element Classification. The sixth primary needs are classified accordingly to their Five Element Organ as follows [5].

Level I: The need for food – Spleen. The need for material possessions (being one’s homeland) – Lung

Level II: The need for family, friend, God, loving platonic relationships – Heart The need for sexual relationship – Kidney

Level III: The need for power and recognition of one’s talent and skill – Liver The need for knowledge and teaching of knowledge – Pericardium

It is the propositions and examples made in Saam Medical Meditation and Structures of Knowledge that these three levels of human needs can be recognized in dreams and be identified with the Five Element Organ classification [6].

It is through Dr. John Sarno that we find a link between his “Unconscious Rage” and Saam Acupuncture’s “Revolutionary Rage” [7] attributed to dissatisfaction of the Gall Bladder energetic.

It is through the Kidney’s Five Element associated emotion of fear that we can link to the conscious (not unconscious) pathology of Post-Traumatic Stress disorder [8]. It is through the San Jaio’s energetic function of expelling wind that we can expel PTSD from the consciousness through ‘simply forgetting’.

With awareness of these features of western consciousness and the principles of acupuncture and oriental medicine, we have a far more complete and structured model of consciousness. A new self- understanding and identification with natural science occurs. A person under stress recognizes Liver Qi stagnation within themselves. A tired fatigued person with sweet cravings detects patterns of Spleen Qi deficiency. A person undergoing grief will protect their Lungs against vulnerability to cold and chills. Those inclined in the study of scientific journals, who’ve been quizzed and tested many times in their dreams, will recognize of themselves as intelligent seekers of knowledge, according to the Pericardium and its third level of Human Need.

Many are inclined to the meditational arts, exercises, and healing modalities of acupuncture and oriental medicine through which they have awareness and subjective experience of Qi. An example may be given of Myoclonus which the author considers to be of Qi rising to the surface. Myoclonus is the moment when you are comfortably sitting in a chair about to fall asleep, when suddenly the body jumps or lurches.

In acupuncture Qi is a propulsion of growth and healing. Baby’s physical growth occurs in their sleep when they are comfortable. Acupuncture is done in a relaxed comfortable setting. Taichi and Qigong are slow meditative movements and exercises.

Qi pushes at the boundaries of growth, healing, and obstruction. In a deeply comortable and meditational state practitioners become aware of Qi. It has substance and feeling, its movements can be traced and directed with the mind.

“Where the mind goes, so goes Qi”, is a common refrain of acupuncture. It is meditation upon Qi that the legendary Monk Saam (16th century Korea) was doing when he discovered the mystery of acupuncture. Monk Saam is the namesake of Saam Medical Meditation and Saam Acupuncture.

Understanding these Structures of Knowledge as an Organ Centered Consciousness and with awareness of Qi through meditation, acupuncture, or otherwise, one may begin to act upon their dreams. The patterns and movements of Qi and the Five Elements are observable and able to be enacted upon by the educated practitioner of acupuncture and oriental medicine.

Qi and the Five Elements; observable in nature, able to be acted upon, valid scientific law. Welcome to your new consciousness.


  1. Xinnong, Cheng “Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion”, Foreign Language Press Beijing, 199 pages 20: 51.
  2. Sarno, John, “Healing Back Pain; The Mind Body Connection”, Grand Central Life and Style, 1991.
  3. Bair, Deidre (2004) “Jung” Autobiography. Little Brown & Company397.
  4. Freud, Sigmund (1899) “The Interpretation of Dreams”
  5. Mahoney, Evan (2018) “Structures of Knowledge, Organ Centered Consciousness”. Amazon 11.
  6. Mahoney, Evan (2017) “Saam Meditation; The Interpretation of Dreams”. Amazon 78
  7. Choo, Tae Cheong (2008) Classroom Manuscript “An Introduction to Saam Acupuncture. VirginiaUniversity of Integrative Medicine 16.
  8. Mahoney, Evan (2018) “Structures of Knowledge, Organ Centered Consciousness”. Amazon 18.