Value, Obligation, and Meta-Ethics

Robin Attfield1*

1 Professor, Emeritus of Philosophy, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3AT, United Kingdom.

*Corresponding Author:Robin Attfield, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3AT, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 29 2087 4000; Fax: +44 29 2087 4000; E-mail:

Citation: Robin Attfield (2022) Value, Obligation, and Meta-Ethics. SciEnvironm 5: 164.

Received: October 15, 2022; Accepted: October 31, 2022; Published: November 10, 2022.

Copyright: © 2022 Robin Attfield, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.



Published: 01 Jan 1995
Pages: xv, 319 pp.
Language: English
Subjects: Ethics & Moral Philosophy, Philosophy
Publisher: Brill | Rodopi
Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume: 30
ISBN: 978-90-5183-857-2 (Hardback)
List price € 112 / $ 144
ISBN: 978-90-5183-862-6 (Paperback) 
List price € 41 / $ 51 

This work defends an interrelated set of theses in value- theory, normative ethics and meta-ethics. The three Parts correspond to these three areas.

Part One (Value): defends a biocentric theory of moral standing, and then the coherence and objectivity of belief in intrinsic value, despite recent objections. Intrinsic value is located in the flourishing of living creatures; specifically, a neo-Aristotelian, species- relative account is supplied of wellbeing or flourishing, in terms of the development of the essential capacities of one's species. There follows a theory of priorities, or of relative intrinsic value, in which the satisfaction of basic needs takes priority over other needs and over wants, and the interests of complex and sophisticated creatures over those of others, where they are at stake.

Part Two: defends a practice-consequentialist theory of the criteria of rightness and of obligation, which leaves room for supererogation, underpins our intuitions about justice, commends population growth only where it is genuinely desirable, and responds better than act- consequentialism to objections like that concerned with the separateness of persons.

Part Three: sifts meta-ethical theories, rejects moral relativism, and defends a cognitivist and naturalist meta-ethic. In defending analytical naturalism, it takes into account the latest literature on supervenience. By responding to recent discussions, this study supersedes my Theory of Value and Obligation (1987). It is equipped with detailed end-notes and an ample bibliography, which could prove a research tool of itself.

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